4.3.4 Noncompliance. If a sample fails to pass first article inspection, the manufacturer shall notify the
procuring activity and the responsible government inspector of such failure and take corrective action on
the materials or processes, or both, as warranted. The manufacturer shall also take corrective action on
all units of product, which can be corrected, were manufactured under essentially the same materials and
processes, and are considered subject to the same failure. Acceptance of the product shall be
discontinued until corrective action, which is acceptable to the procuring activity, has been taken. After
the corrective action has been taken, first article inspection shall be repeated on additional sample units
(all inspections, or the inspection which the original sample failed, at the option of the procuring activity).
Final first article approval shall be withheld until the first article inspection has shown that the corrective
action was successful.
4.4 Tests required. The microphone sample shall be subjected to the tests listed in table II and any
other tests deemed necessary by the procuring activity or the responsible government inspector to
determine compliance of the microphones with the requirements of this specification.
TABLE II. First article inspections.
Examination or test
Requirement paragraph
Method paragraph
Group I
Visual and mechanical examination
Response measurements
Voltage transients
Signal-to-noise ratio1/
Radio interference control1/
Group II
Pressure cycling1/
Pressure equalization1/
Group III
Temperature cycling
Temperature extremes
Salt fog
1/ The signal-to-noise ratio, radio interference control, pressure cycling, and pressure equalization
inspections shall apply only to the M21393/1-01 microphone.
2/ For quantity related to reliability test, see table VIII.
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