Volume control: Loudspeakers shall be provided volume control in accordance with FIGURE 3. LS-387()/SIC
and LS-535()/SIC loudspeakers shall have the volume adjustment made by opening the enclosure and changing the
voice coil connection to the taps on the transformer secondary winding. LS-388()/SIC and LS-536()/SIC
loudspeakers shall be supplied with a rotary switch mounted on the bottom base enclosure and connected to the
proper taps on the transformer secondary to provide volume adjustment. The switch shall be provided with a control
knob and shall be wired to provide increasing volume with clockwise rotation of the knob when viewed from the
front. The front panel shall be marked near the switch with the word "increase" and an arrow indicating the
direction of increasing volume.
A. Internal control-by-transformer tap selection with a quick connector.
B. External volume control using a rotary selector switch.
FIGURE 3. Wiring diagram and terminal designation.
Marking: The positive voice coil terminal shall be marked "+" by die stamping, or in a manner that is not
obliterated by paint removal, chipping, or mild oxidation. Terminal boards shall be marked as shown on FIGURE 3.
For LS-530()/SIC, LS-531()/SIC, LS-535()/SIC, and LS-536()/SIC loudspeakers, an instruction plate shall be
provided on the front of these loudspeakers to indicate the correct mounting position to minimize stray magnetic
field below the loudspeaker. The instruction plate shall be in accordance with MIL-DTL-15024 Types A, B, F, or
H; attachment shall be by mounting screws.
Wiring diagram: See FIGURE 3 for the applicable schematic wiring diagram for each enclosure.
Temperature: The operating temperature shall be -20.2 to 149 °F (-29 to 65 °C).
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