6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents must specify the following:
a. Title, number, and date of the specification and applicable specification sheet.
b. Packaging requirements (see 5.1).
6.3 Qualification (see 3.2). With respect to products requiring qualification, awards will be made only
for products which are, at the time of award of contract, qualified for inclusion in the applicable Qualified
Products List QPL-26542, whether or not such products have actually been so listed by that date. The
attention of the contractors is called to these requirements, and manufacturers are urged to arrange to
have the products that they propose to offer to the Federal Government tested for qualification in order
that they may be eligible to be awarded contracts or orders for the products covered by this specification.
Information pertaining to qualification of products may be obtained from the DLA Land and Maritime (Attn:
VQP), 3990 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43218-3990 or vqp.do@dla.mil. An online listing of
products qualified to this specification may be found in the Qualified Products Database (QPD) at
6.4 Subject term (key word) listing.
6.5 Tin whisker growth (see 3.3.4). The use of alloys with tin content greater than 97 percent, by
mass, may exhibit tin whisker growth problems after manufacture. Tin whiskers may occur anytime from
a day to years after manufacture and can develop under typical operating conditions, on products that
use such materials. Conformal coatings applied over top of a whisker-prone surface will not prevent the
formation of tin whiskers. Alloys of 3 percent lead, by mass, have shown to inhibit the growth of tin
whiskers. For additional information on this matter, refer to ASTM B545 (Standard Specification for
Electrodeposited Coatings of Tin).
6.6 Environmentally preferable material. Environmentally preferable materials should be used to the
maximum extent possible to meet the requirements of this specification. As of the dating of this
document, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is focusing efforts on reducing 31 priority
chemicals. The list of chemicals and additional information is available on their website
https://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/wastemin/priority.htm. Included in the EPA list of 31 priority chemicals
are cadmium, lead, and mercury. Use of these materials should be minimized or eliminated unless
needed to meet the requirements specified herein (see 3.2).
6.7 Part or Identifying Number (PIN). Except for the original configurations (M-1AA/AIC or M-1BB/C),
the military PIN consists of the letter "M" followed by the basic number of this specification, slash number,
and a dash number added as follows:
Basic spec number
Slash number
Dash number
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