3.5.16 Drop (see 4.5.14). The product shall resist degradation in performance due to dropping from
field-typical heights onto hard surfaces, such as would occur due to a drop from a cockpit-level or aircraft
door-level height onto concrete pavement. Following exposure to such repeated dropping, the product
shall exhibit the following performance:
Visual examination:
No evidence of physical damage which would cause a malfunction.
Sensitivity and frequency
No more than ± 3 dB variation at any frequency, when referenced to the
initial response.
No more than ± 1 ohm or 5 percent variation from initial reading,
whichever is greater.
3.5.17 Pressure equalization (see 4.5.15). Provisions shall be made to equalize the pressure between
the ambient outside the microphone element and the interior of the microphone element including the
space enclosed by the moisture barrier, such that the product is able to withstand exposure to repeated,
alternating extremes of pressure. Following such exposure, the product shall exhibit the following
Visual examination:
No evidence of physical damage which would cause a malfunction.
Sensitivity and frequency
No more than ± 3 dB variation at any frequency, when referenced to the
initial response.
No more than ± 1 ohm or 5 percent variation from initial reading,
whichever is greater.
3.5.18 Explosive decompression (see 4.5.16). The stability of the diaphragm material and the
concentricity of the voice coil and air gap shall not be affected by explosive decompression when
specified (see 3.1). Following exposure to such conditions, the product shall exhibit the following
Visual examination:
No evidence of physical damage which would cause a malfunction.
Sensitivity and frequency
No more than ± 3 dB variation at any frequency, when referenced to the
initial response.
No more than ± 1 ohm or 5 percent variation from initial reading,
whichever is greater.
3.5.19 Salt fog (see 4.5.17). The microphone shall be capable of operation in salt atmosphere as
encountered in coastal areas. Prolonged periods of exposure to salt sea atmosphere shall not result in
visible evidence of corrosion on any equipment surfaces. Following exposure to an extreme salt
atmosphere, the product shall exhibit the following performance:
Visual examination:
No evidence of physical damage which would cause a malfunction.
Sensitivity and frequency
No more than ± 3 dB variation at any frequency, when referenced to the
initial response.
No more than ± 1 ohm or 5 percent variation from initial reading,
whichever is greater.
3.5.20 Vibration (see 4.5.18). The product shall resist failure and degradation in performance due to
repeated, excessive vibration. Following such exposure, the product shall exhibit the following
Visual examination:
No evidence of physical damage which would cause a malfunction.
Sensitivity and frequency
No more than ± 3 dB variation at any frequency, when referenced to the
initial response.
No more than ± 1 ohm or 5 percent variation from initial reading,
whichever is greater.
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