3.5.21 Bounce (see 4.5.19). The product shall resist degradation in performance due to hard-floor
bouncing and part-to-part bumping, such as would occur during poorly-secured transport either in cargo
aircraft or combat vehicles traversing rough terrain over long distances. Following such exposure, the
product shall exhibit the following performance:
Visual examination:
No evidence of physical damage which would cause a malfunction.
Sensitivity and frequency
No more than ± 3 dB variation at any frequency, when referenced to the
initial response.
No more than ± 1 ohm or 5 percent variation from initial reading,
whichever is greater.
3.5.22 Altitude, nonoperating (see 4.5.20). The product shall withstand and operate in low-pressure
environments and withstand rapid pressure changes, such as would occur during air shipment of the
product in cargo aircraft, or when stored at high ground elevations, or when exposed to explosive (rapid)
decompression as a result of aircraft damage. Following such exposure, the product shall exhibit the
following performance:
Visual examination:
No evidence of physical damage which would cause a malfunction.
Sensitivity and frequency
No more than ± 3 dB variation at any frequency, when referenced to
the initial response.
No more than ± 1 ohm or 5 percent variation from initial reading,
whichever is greater.
3.5.23 Moisture barrier (see 4.5.21). A moisture barrier shall be provided, when specified (see 3.1), as
part of the microphone element. The moisture barrier shall serve as both a breath-blast shield and as a
shield to prevent entrance of moisture into the microphone element. The moisture barrier shall be so
sealed to the case that it shall withstand an internal pressure of one-quarter pound per square inch
without leaking.
3.5.24 Immersion (see 4.5.22). The product shall resist degradations in performance due to immersion
in fresh water for prolonged periods of time. Following such exposure, the product shall exhibit the
following performance:
Sensitivity and frequency
No more than ± 3 dB variation at any frequency, when referenced to
the initial response.
3.5.25 Fungus (see 4.5.23). The product shall be constructed of fungus-inert materials, and shall not
exhibit any degradation in performance due to prolonged exposure to fungus-producing conditions.
Following such exposure, the product shall exhibit the following performance:
Visual examination:
No evidence of physical damage which would cause a malfunction
and no visible fungus or corrosion.
a 3 dB change in frequency response, following 30 (thirty) rounds of blast at a peak pressure of 9.5
pounds per square inch (psi) as provided in accordance with SK-N-864 equipment procedures, when
specified (see 3.1).
3.5.27 Microphone bracket leakage (see 4.5.25). Type II microphones, which have brackets that can
result in loss of integrity of the mask when installed, shall exhibit no more than the specified (see 3.1)
leakage at the mask/bracket interface.
3.5.28 Boom finish (see 4.5.26). The boom finish shall adhere completely to the underlying metal,
without flaking, peeling or otherwise leaving the surface to which it is applied, excepting the surface of the
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