3.5.7 Vibration. The handset shall meet the requirements of 3.2.1 a & e with no more than 3 dB
change in response from its original measurement when subjected to a simple harmonic motion
having an amplitude of 0.03 inches (0.06 inches maximum excursion). While varying frequency
between the limits of 10 to 55 Hertz (Hz). Handsets subjected to this requirement shall not be
delivered on the contract.
3.5.8 Shock.. The handset, stabilized at -40oF, shall meet the requirements of 3.2.1 a & e with no
more than 3 dB change in response from its original measurement after being dropped from a
height of six feet onto a concrete surface. Handsets subjected to this requirement shall not be
delivered on the contract.
3.5.9 Bounce. Place a handset onto a suitable plywood-covered package tester test bed
(recommend marine plywood because of its durability; secure the plywood to prevent
"oilcanning" of the wood surface). Subject the test article to a circular synchronous mode at 300
rpm for a duration of no less than 45 minutes. Subsequent to the test, the handset shall meet the
requirements of 3.2.1 a & e. Handsets subjected to this requirement shall not be delivered on the
3.5.10 Salt fog. The handset shall meet the requirements of 3.2.1 a & e with no more than 3 dB
change in response from its original measurement after subjected to a continuously atomized,
finely divided, wet, dense salt spray mixture of 5% sodium chloride and 95% water. Uniformly
distribute the salt fog over the test article at a fallout rate between 0.3 and 3ml/80cm2/hr for at
least 48 hours at a constant 950F with minimal air circulation, and then dry at ambient conditions
for at least 48 hours. Handsets subjected to this requirement shall not be delivered on the
3.5.11 Dust. This handset shall meet the requirements of 3.2.1 a & e with no more than 3 dB
change in response from its original measurement when subjected to a temperature of at least
730F with a relative humidity (maintained throughout the test) of no more than 30%, subject the
handset to a blowing dust concentration (97 to 99% by weight) of silicon dioxide with particle
size ranging from 100 to 325 microns at air velocities ranging from 300 to 1750 ft/min for at least
6 hours. Stop the test, adjust the temperature to no less than 1580F, and continue test article
exposure for another 6 hours. Stop the test and allow the test article to return to ambient
conditions. Remove accumulated dust from the test article by brushing, wiping or shaking. Do
not remove dust by either air blast or vacuuming. This is a one time test of initial production units
unless materials are change during course of production. Handsets subjected to this requirement
shall not be delivered on the contract.
3.5.12 Fungus. The contractor shall certify that the material used in manufacture as fungus inert
or resistant. If not, the handset shall meet the requirements of 3.2.1 a & e with no more than 3 dB
change in response from its original measurement when subjected to a 28 hours fungus exposure.
This is a one time test of initial production units unless materials are change during course of
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